How-To: Apache2 authentication using MySQL backend — page 2

1 minute read

In the first part, we have set up our database, let now add some user to authenticate.

3. Creating users

Here we will be using sha1 password. To create a password, you can use the following command:

# echo -n 'password' | sha1sum
 5baa61e4c9b93f3f0682250b6cf8331b7ee68fd8 -


thus, the SHA1 encrypted version of password password is c8fed00eb2e87f1cee8e90ebbe870c190ac3848c.

Now, lets create a user foobar with password ‘password’ and a group it will belong to called ‘foobargroup’.

mysql> USE httpauthdb;
mysql> INSERT INTO users (login, pass, firstname, lastname, email) VALUES ('foobar', 'c8fed00eb2e87f1cee8e90ebbe870c190ac3848c', 'foo', 'bar', '[email protected]');
mysql> INSERT INTO groups (name) VALUES ('foobargroup');
mysql> INSERT INTO usergroup (uid, gid) VALUES (uid, gid);

Where uid and gid have to be replaced with the one created during the 2 first INSERTS.

4. Setting apache

Now, go to your site configuration edit it and add, in between your Directory tags for instance:

    ## mod auth_mysql
    AuthBasicAuthoritative Off
    AuthMYSQL on
    AuthMySQL_Authoritative on
    AuthMySQL_DB httpauthdb
    Auth_MySQL_Host localhost
    Auth_MySQL_User httpauth
    Auth_MySQL_Password httpauthpassword
    AuthMySQL_Password_Table users
    AuthMySQL_Username_Field login
    AuthMySQL_Password_Field pass
    AuthMySQL_Empty_Passwords off
    AuthMySQL_Encryption_Types SHA1Sum
    # Standard auth stuff
    AuthType Basic
    AuthName "restricted zone"

    Require valid-user

Now, after reloading apache you should be able to authenticate as user foobar with password password.