How-To set up a LDAP server and its clients
LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol) allows central user, group, domain….. authentication, information storage …
LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol) allows central user, group, domain….. authentication, information storage …
This tutorial will show how to set samba to allow read-only file sharing for your LAN computers as guest (without be prompted for a password).
Linux offers a great tool: Tab Completion. With tab completion, you can easily navigate through your filesystem, find command names you forgot the exact name...
Subtitleeditor 0.13 is out. A few new features and languages were added meanwhile a major release is being worked on.
Gaim 2.0.0beta6 was released a couple of days ago. People using Feisty the fawn are already able to get it from the official ubuntu repository.